Post by Matt D. on Jun 5, 2013 21:22:52 GMT -5
I saw today that AG Eric Holder does not have any intentions of stepping down. Now Today was the deadlin to answer congress on many topics, Fast and Furious, Wire tapping of reporters, etc. What I don't get is why congress doesn't try to just keep fighting the president on whether or not Holder will testify. Just take the biblical approach. "If a friend comes to your house and asks for bread, and keeps knocking, won't you eventually give him bread?" Persistence... So just wear President Obama down, and eventually he will throw Holder to the dogs.
Post by Justin on Jun 6, 2013 11:31:43 GMT -5
Some people say holder shouldn't step down because they don't believe he did any thing wrong. I do think his has wronged us. I think he has been using his position to advance his own political agenda. He and the rest of their team have been doing it since 2008. They want to make us like Europe and the UN. They want to take your freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and your freedom of religion. The Presidents own slogan was Hope and Change. Hope from what? What is so bad about this country? And what do they want to change to? I don't know exactly what they want to do, but I know I don't like it so far.