Post by Matt D. on Mar 20, 2014 21:51:55 GMT -5
What would be the best way for us to get more members? Who here has any ideas?
I know this has been a rough time starting, but I have hopes for this site and would hate to see it die. Who has any ideas on that matter?
I think one of the best things is word of mouth. That's how I found WWF/proboards platform.
If we want this site to grow, we have got to tell some people we're here. I think we have the ability to have a large site here with the range of subjects we cover. I am guilty of abandoning this site for the past few weeks, and I apologize. But I want to get this site really going.
Post by Rohn on Mar 21, 2014 10:25:39 GMT -5
I am not sure what to say about this matter Matt. I do like the stuff we do on here and would like to see it go. I have invited a couple of people but they haven't joined.
Post by Sid Matheny on Mar 21, 2014 17:56:52 GMT -5
I have also invited a few friends but they have not shown up. If you belong to a gun or hunting club you might invite them by passing out fliers. Posting them in gun shops and stores could help. The WWF started out slow when we first started out almost 9 years ago.
Post by Justin on Mar 28, 2014 15:25:09 GMT -5
I don't know exactly what to do. Sid, the fliers sound like a great idea. That would definitely bring some more. I'm really sorry for being off for so long guys. I don't know what my problem is . Justin
Post by Rohn on Mar 28, 2014 16:01:07 GMT -5
I am just setting up a website for my leatherwork etc. Once it gets going and I know more what I am doing I'll try to put a link on it to here.
Post by Matt D. on Mar 29, 2014 10:42:04 GMT -5
I already looked at that. It is very nice. I really like the color scheme.
Rohn, follow this advice, get as much free advertising as possible. There are some places that will do it, Facebook, Liberty Heads, Just go and make a page. I had a website and it failed miserably. But I didn't advertise because I thought it was expensive. It's not. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Liberty heads is a particularly good place to make a page and post some of your holsters because of the sheer amount of gun owners on there.
Just look into advertising. If I've found one thing it's that the people who stumble onto your site by accident don't buy anything.
I wish you well with that site, I know they can be frustrating. Just take it slow and use as much free advertising as possible.
Post by Rohn on Mar 29, 2014 13:04:39 GMT -5
Thanks for the advice Matt. I figure that if it doesn't work I can always drop it.