Post by Matt D. on Dec 28, 2013 0:02:36 GMT -5
Post by Justin on Dec 28, 2013 16:58:18 GMT -5
I think we should prosecute these agents to the fullest extent of the law. They sold guns without going through the background check, bought known stolen items, and instructed someone to make an unregistered NFA Firearm. I hope they all serve prison sentences for this. I agree. If we have to adhear the law then they should too. Justin
Post by Rohn on Dec 28, 2013 17:23:32 GMT -5
They should all spend a long time behind bars.
Post by Matt D. on Dec 28, 2013 20:16:13 GMT -5
Very true. And not just for this, but for all the combined offenses against the constitution. They interpret the laws so that it prohibits civilians from owning as many guns as possible.
Post by Matt D. on Dec 28, 2013 20:36:51 GMT -5
What bothers me the most is they have those who are dealing with the drugs, tobacco, and alcohol dealing with guns. They are supposed to be protecting us from criminals. That was the Supposed purpose of the GCA in '68. It created the ATF. But why on earth did they group guns with the controlled substances? Because they think they would be held less highly in public opinion if they grouped them with the controlled substances and required the FFL system which treats gun owners like criminals.
I don't know, but it should be MUCH easier to buy a gun than vote. Voting is much more dangerous to the common good than owning a gun. Owning a gun is voting, in a way, and it is voting not to lose the rest of your rights.
Post by Rohn on Dec 28, 2013 22:51:07 GMT -5