This here is for quick communication between members.
Matt D.: I do every once and a while. Honestly I just use a cheap Walmart bike. I don't ride enough to justify purchasing one any nicer.
Apr 8, 2014 21:36:25 GMT -5
Matt D.: I have had one of those weeks where no matter what you do everything goes wrong. I get these weeks more than I'd like.
Apr 12, 2014 19:45:52 GMT -5
Rohn: Beautiful weather here in Niles. Great day today. Went to a "wild meat" dinner this evening and ate - turtle soup (from the turtle we caught last spring), Brown bear meat, elk, frog legs, wild turkey, wild boar sausage and some catfish. Loved it all.
Apr 19, 2014 20:44:42 GMT -5
Matt D.: Sounds fun Rohn. I love going to wild game dinners. A lot of fun. How was the turtle?
Apr 19, 2014 23:24:59 GMT -5
Matt D.: Sorry I haven't been on for a couple of days, I just got back from working. 12 hour days are tough. How was everyone's week?
Apr 19, 2014 23:26:48 GMT -5
Matt D.: My family is in the HVAC business. Heat pumps, furnaces, etc. Along with the occasional cooler or freezer.
Apr 21, 2014 17:38:55 GMT -5
Rohn: Looks like a beautiful day here. I'd sure like to ride my new Giant bicycle but not sure I'll have the time. Maybe I'll just take the time and do it anyway!!
May 23, 2014 7:49:23 GMT -5
Rohn: planted garden yesterday - 85 tomato plants, beans, eggplant, corn, and a bunch of other stuff. Rained last night so that is good. Now if I can just keep the weeds from growing.
Jun 3, 2014 7:49:23 GMT -5
Matt D.: Sorry I haven't been on in so long. The current computer I have is painfully slow and I am hoping to get a better one I have hooked up to the internet so I can get on here more often.
Jun 10, 2014 23:09:28 GMT -5
Rohn: Planted corn this evening and just as we finished up it began to rain. We are glad we got the planting done before the rain. Now in a couple + months we should be eating corn. Yum! Yum!
Jun 23, 2014 19:56:51 GMT -5
Matt D.: Sounds good Rohn. Keep us updated.... I'll put some pictures of my "experimental" garden up in a couple of days as I'll be busy tomorrow... Things are getting tall about now. A few weeks until the squash is blooming I'd say.
Jun 23, 2014 23:39:25 GMT -5
Rohn: I cut out 16 holsters and two belts yesterday. Tooled (put on the design) six of them today and punched the lacing holes. Lots of leather work and I love it all.
Jun 25, 2014 20:08:18 GMT -5
Rohn: Finished planting out corn today for a later crop. Our first planting is up and doing well but it will still be a few more weeks before we can see what it tastes like.
Jul 16, 2014 15:45:49 GMT -5